O Atelier
Há quinze anos atrás, Odila Freire made a choice, and that choice, your life project.
Today, Atelier Odila Freire debuts and consolidates its trajectory, affirming his personal style and his unique painting technique.
If we look back we will see that nothing is done suddenly, and that behind this wonderful showcase, there is a history of many achievements.
Architect and artist, Odila joined her knowledge to propose new clothes to wooden objects, a bold initiative fifteen years ago. Replaced the pastel tones of Country painting with vibrant colors, innovating distinct combinations, merging prints, stencil, decoupage, and forming their own technique and style of painting.
The passion for painting made Odila take on greater challenges every day. From small wooden boxes, went to large used furniture, which after a restoration, were transformed by the original combination of colors and techniques used by Odila.
From objects to furniture and furniture to articulated dolls, transforming raw wood into minutely stylized characters, where Odila is responsible for painting, manufacture of clothes, accessories and face design. It all started with the Fridas who then became Carmens, Amys, Tarsilas, Pin-ups, Chaplins, Palhaços, Fadas, Pequenos Príncipes e muitos outros.
Quem passa pelo Atelier sabe que cada dia é uma novidade, pois Odila não cansa de criar e se reinventar. Tudo feito por ela e sua assistente Márcia.
Quem se apaixona sempre volta, seja para apreciar e comprar, seja para aprender um pouco de sua técnica ensinada nas aulas ministradas por ela há também 15 years.
Odila transforma o mundo em cores, e traz vida para o olhar.
Obrigada por existir e compartilhar um pouco do seu ponto de vista conosco, vida longa à arte e ao Atelier! Feliz 15 years! Que venham mais 15!