Panoramic balloon will be one of the attractions on the Olympic boulevard

Panoramic balloon will be one of the attractions on the Olympic boulevard

Equipment will be located near Candelária and will reach 150 meters high
RIO – The city hall released an animation this Wednesday showing what the Olympic boulevard will look like, in the Port Zone. With free entry, the public will be able to watch, live, the competition disputes in an atmosphere similar to that of the FIFA Fan Fest, held in Copacabana, during the World Cup. Among the attractions, there will be a panoramic balloon, that will reach 150 meters high. The equipment will be located near Candelária. A zipline 25m high and 200m long, foreseen in the original project, will no longer be built, according to Riotur.

Com 3,2 kilometers long, the Olympic boulevard will use the Orla Prefeito Luiz Paulo Conde structure, which is still under construction, scheduled to open by June. Will have, in all, two stages with big screens, called “Encounters Stage”, the biggest, located at Praça Quinze, and “Palco Tendências”, at Praça Mauá, near the Museum of Tomorrow.

Opening hours will be from 9am to 10pm, which can be extended on days when there are competitions until later. The inauguration is scheduled for the day 4 of August, the day before the opening ceremony.

Check out the video released by the city hall below:


